Fan Pressure

I finally played into the peer pressure to watch Game of Thrones. The show debuted in 2011 is hours usually and I never grew up loving to watch TV but dang… is this series good! Not only is it hard to peel my eyes away from the TV but my new obsession made my boyfriend and I one day to watch the entire first season.

The true reason why I decided to watch the show in the first place was to be able to partake in the conversation centered around Game of Thrones. The most recent season finale marked a near two year wait for the next and final season. There is a movement of devoted fans who are already counting down the days to the season opener and honestly, I will be one of those fans.

There is something unique about humans wanting to feel included in the conversation and we want to be in “the know” of everything going on in the world. We use our social media outlets to connect to the stories going on around the world, and we find pride in being able to contribute to the conversation or to be filling someone in with our knowledge. It was in high school when I refused to jump on The Vampire Diaries bandwagon and there were a lot of conversations I couldn’t contribute to because I wasn’t a part of that social group. I didn’t know what was going on, who the characters were, or even what questions to ask my friends about the show. I finally gave in my freshman year of college to watch Gossip Girl and I finished White Collar for my own enjoyment; besides that, I have never watched a show all the way through before.

Movements of people who stimulate the curiosity of their acquaintances is the best form of marketing as we don’t need a TV ad or a Netflix suggestion to tell us what to watch. We want to be able to contribute a connection to something that seems like many our peers have.

Grey’s Anatomy is another series so many people keep tuning in to watch and fans have spent countless hours watching episodes. Unfortunately, I don’t think I have the time or patience to watch this craze but I will love reading the spoilers on Twitter!
